Category: Personal Growth

3 Key Takeaways from the COVID-19 Lockdown

This article may be a little late since in most of the countries either the lockdown is almost over or it will be over soon.Still I am penning down my thoughts because getting such an opportunity is a once in a lifetime affair. As difficult as times maybe, if there’s one thing we should learn in life, it’s that things are never as bad as they seem. In most cases, this perspective usually comes long after a “bad” or “good” event has occurred. So, we need to perceive this lockdown as an advantage to do things which we never got time to do.This will be better individually for us and collectively for the world.

In the materialistic world that we live in today, most of us have been busy chasing our dreams, working hard to survive, or trying to beat the competition but hardly had enough time to do many things which we always had etched in some corner of our mind or heart — that one dying hobby or desire to learn something new.

From my personal experience and learnings during this lockdown, I would suggest to you to do at least these 3 things, which I have realized have really made this lockdown a personal growth experience for me. It will heal up the mental, physical sickness and help many of our friends to get over their anxieties and depression.

Develop a New Skill

Life is full of continuous learning, development, and adding more skills. Living and thriving is the best gift we have got. We should aim to develop ourselves as and when possible. There are so many thoughts/ ideas we have and keep procrastinating that “If I had time, I would do this”. This is the time. Think of any skill you would like to develop either it’s a new language, writing skills, gratitude journal, music, reading, yoga, listening to podcasts of your interest, or in-house games. Once the lockdown is over, you should strive to come out as a better human being and have one new skill. Promise this to yourself. You will feel good, that you are an improved person post lockdown.

Some people, through luck and skill, end up with a lot of assets. If you’re good at kicking a ball, writing software, investing in stocks, it pays extremely well – Bill GATES

Better Yourself

We all have some or the other desire, which we always want in terms of improving our health. Someone wants to lose weight,to gain weight,to get muscular, showcase abs, reduce belly fat & someone needs. flexibility. It’s time to push yourself to get this. Workout / Yoga/ Meditate every day without fail. If you can do this consistently for 21 to 30 days, I assure you that you will see a visible change. You will be proud of yourself. Push to be the best version of yourself. Do not delay.

A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned – Naval Ravikant

Network is Net Worth

One thing I would’ve changed, if I could go back in time is that I would’ve done more to help and support others. Someone said, “Network is Net Worth”. It’s true. Also, if we actually think, we will find it’s our relationships that truly matter. This is what helps us in an unknown way somewhere in our lives, when we may be in trouble. These are the people who will always be beside you as a pillar of strength. It’s time to catch up with all your old acquaintances either on phone , through Whatsapp or any other medium and check on them. Talk to them even if it’s been years of not being in touch, it will help, it will heal some old friendships, it will help you get your relationships back. Do it! You will enjoy and feel good. Show them your gratitude. It will go a long way!

This difficult time of COVID -19 will pass soon. We will be back to normalcy. I am sure that this time you will thank yourself for making these 3 important changes in your life. Life is beautiful. Let’s take care of it. Be safe.

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